Xbox 360
According to numerous trendspotters the Xbox 360 is this holiday season's "it" gift. That doesn't come as any surprise with how well it is selling. Sony is going to really have step up with the PS3 and include some must have features that will make the millions of people who've bought an Xbox want to buy a PS3. Personally, I plan to get both.
Some more video game news
Square Enix is porting the popular Valkyrie Profile to the PSP, slated for release in Japan March 2. They are also developing a new Valkyrie Profile game for the PS2 to be released sometime in 2006. The new game takes place in the same world as the original only several hundred years later. Needless to say that fans of the origianl will find some familiar locations as well as new. It'll be interesting to see in which ways the world has evolved.Acclaim is back. Former activision exec Howard Marks purchased the name soon after the company filed for bankruptsy in September of 2004. The new Acclaim is focusing on bringing over some popular MMOs from Asia.Lastly, the Xbox 360's release in Japan was met with success. Sold out at an event location in half an hour.
Some news from the video game front
EA is being sued by someone claiming that they stole ideas from him. Go here to see the whole story.According to eBay president and CEO Meg Whitman, 40,000 Xbox 360's have been sold on eBay.Some modders have created a World of Warcraft patch that makes all female characters nude. Go here for the full story.