Friday, October 28, 2005

Radiata Stories: Full Review

As promised, I finished the game and now here is the full review:

Okay, first things first: the story. Overall very solid, but sometimes confusing. Like the most recent Star Ocean you don't really know what's going on until the end. Even then it can be confusing. The story branches midway, and the only way to get the full story is to play both branches.

The character cast is huge. More than 100 characters can join you on your quest. I was a little disappointed that you don't actually get to play AS these characters. You can't even buy and equip new armor and weapons for them. They are strictly AI controlled. It does work, though. You CAN give them orders such as "Go Nuts!" and "Attack My Enemy", but mostly it's useless.

On the subject of weapons and armor: There are a lot to discover. Besides the ones that can be bought you can also discover various weapons scattered throughout Radiata. You also aren't stuck with one type of weapon. You can chose between one-handed swords, two-handed swords, axes and spears, as well as a bottle and an umbrella. Some armor will even change your appearance. You can be a robot, demon even a businessman.

Some of the later battles can become very difficult if you don't have the strongest possible weapon and armor. Buying the equipment can be difficult due to the cost of said items and the fact that money is difficult to acquire. Hardly any enemies drop more than a couple thousand Dagols.

Anyway, it was an enjoyable gaming experience overall and well worth the money.


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