Thursday, September 09, 2004

There was a hole here...

Silent Hill 4 is out. I plan to rent and hopefully finish it this weekend.

I know what you're saying. "But, Mark, is it as good as SH2, or a disappointment like SH3?" To which I reply: "What the fuck are you asking me for? You know I haven't played it yet. Asshole."


Blogger Khalid Raffali said...

i played it till the part where the girl died down in the subway. must say that the game is scary but hey fineshed SH, SH2, not SH3, SH4 shud be a cinch right?

5:59 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Unfortunately, I agree with becca with only a little bit left to go in the game.

12:04 PM  
Blogger sc0tt said...

blockbuster has it rented out until thursday :o/

i'll be renting it, just because. I never finished 3 either. I thought it was scary but i got to a boring part and never picked it back up.

on other news, i ordered my new laptop. yay. AMD 3200 processor. radeon 9600 graphics. woo. fast lil bugger.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Rodney said...

I just recently played SH4. I didn't care for it at all. It wasn't scary nor shocking. The graphics are good enough and the blood looks great, but SH 2 was much better in terms of over-all presentation. The story, while good, made me dizzy. Boss battles are nearly non-existent and the puzzles, while clever, don't really make you scratch your head. There are a few exceptions though. Getting the best possible ending can be a little challenging, but it isn't anything overly difficult.

11:34 PM  

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